
Trump vs Sanders debate review

Sanders led the Top 100 Most Influential People in the World

TIME Magazine's prestigious US publication date 14/4 lists 100 most influential people in 2016 by the World readers voted
Accordingly, the head of this list is the presidential candidate Bernie Sanders with 3.3% of votes. Senator Sanders not only overcome his rivals in the race for the White House, Hillary Clinton (1% of the votes), but prevailed before world leaders and other cultural figures

Bernie Sanders BOMBASTIC Rally with Michael Stipe (R.E.M) Poughkeepsie, NY (4-12-16)

Bernie Sanders BOMBASTIC Rally with Michael Stipe (R.E.M) Poughkeepsie, NY (4-12-16)

Bernie Sanders rally in Rochester, New York (4-12-16)

Bernie Sanders rally in Rochester, New York (4-12-16) 

The Shell Game (and the Political Revolution)

The Shell Game. What will you find under the middle one? The left one? The right one? How long will it take before you realize you've been had

 This past week we learned about the "Shell Company Game" for the super wealthy, courtesy of the Panamanian law firm of Mossack Fonseca. "The Panama Papers" reveal the where and how of the 1%'s billions that "disappear" so the money can't be reported as income and taxed. An international consortium of journalists began publishing names and details, and it's still early days in this leak of 11.5 million files. The opening stories reveal the tip of a very large iceberg, one that's already struck and sunk the Prime Minister of Iceland, a leader who ironically had up until recently been seen as tough on the banksters who collapsed the world's economy in 2008

We'll have to wait and see what big names will be named in the weeks to come, but hold onto your hats while reading this next statement: This fiasco was predicted four and a half years ago by one outspoken independent Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. Watch this short C-Span video with his prophetic words on the subject:

 Here are some articles on the Panama Papers and what could happened next.

Bernie's prediction of the Panama Free Trade agreement would lead to financial crimes:

It's amazing how much Americans could benefit from this money being hidden overseas:

How could the Panama Papers affect the presidential race? 

The Panama Papers are exactly why Hillary Clinton can't be president. 

And how could it effect our government, our economy? 

The journalists who broke the story and the nature of the files they uncovered:

John Podesta, current Hillary Clinton campaign chairman, and his brother Tony Podesta, a Hillary campaign bundler, have a shell company in Panama:

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton accepts $485K in speaking fees from Deutche Bank after pushing the Panama Free Trade agreement that help the bankers:

Bill and Hillary Clinton's Delaware shell companies-- sharing the same mailing address  as 285K other shell companies:

Bill Clinton's mysterious shell company:

A related piece we ran in December about the investigation into the Clinton Foundation's tax records and its tie to foreign powers and arms deals:

The following links concern the Clinton family's speech-making activities and the large sums of money they've generated.

Chelsea Clinton's $65,000 ten minute speech at University of Missouri-KC:

Mitchell Blatt, editor of Bombs and Dollars, shares this piece of revealing information and graphic.

According to an analysis at Bombs and Dollars, the Clintons earned $2.5 million speaking to companies that also lobbied Mrs. Clinton while at the state department and donated to her foundation, including corporate tax dodger and mega-lobbyist GE.

Overall, the Clintons earned their most money from financial firms--$4.5 million.

Here's the link to the complete article (with many thanks to Mitchell for sharing it):

Bernie Sanders' new campaign video shines a bright light into this quagmire of billionaires squirreling away their money in foreign shell companies so they can skip paying taxes and instead buy elections. It sums up all that's wrong with our corrupt campaign finance system. Share it with friends, family and co-workers who might not understand how the Citizens United ruling has allowed the billionaires to influence politicians.


Democracy Spring is on the March--
and Bernie accepts an invite from the Pope

It's been a fascinating week full of great news stories. First of all, Democracy Spring marchers began their 140 mile trek from Philadelphia's Liberty Bell to the Mall in Washington DC. PoliticalRevolution.TV has a live stream broadcast unit embedded in the group and have been broadcasting the marchers live daily as they make their way to the big gathering at the Mall on April 11-18. Read more about their sit-ins plans and protest activities at their web site: and the reasons why some are marching here

In another Bernie Sanders-related news story, on Friday Pope Francis issued an invitation to Bernie to speak at a conference on social, economic and environmental issues during Bernie's April 15 visit. Bernie has long expressed his admiration for the Pope's moral stance on "the idolatry of money." Both man have remarked on how we should care more for our less fortunate brothers and sisters and take action to clean up the environment for the benefit of all mankind. This auspicious visit takes place just four days before the crucial New York primary, too.  

Good luck to you, Bernie, and the best of luck to all our Democracy Spring marchers. #FeeltheBern as you help us realize the political revolution!

Enjoy this song video that shows how much we need a political revolution and read its interpretation by the songwriter.

Evolution of Revolution
by Wayne Gathright

The song Evolution of Revolution is a perfect statement about the transformation of politics that is happening right now in America. The Bernie Sanders political revolution is a result of the frustration that so many people in America feel.

Revolution historically has been about change, but never before has revolution been like what we see today. It has evolved into a dynamic mesh of social media taking advantage of tools such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook among others, plus the emergence of both the young and old demanding the end of the political establishment that is in the pocket of big business. They are demanding a political candidate and a leader that is willing to be the face of this social wave. This is not just a movement--it is a revolution to overthrow both political and corporate corruption.

The song begins with a statement about the unwillingness of people to even listen to the opinions of others. This typifies the ones that are blind to anything but what they have been fed by the media.

The memorable chorus echoes the frustration that is felt by so many in this movement, and ends up calling for others to participate in the "Evolution of Revolution."

The second verse pokes fun of the "right" and the "left" political parties that are ignorant of the true "hammer that is coming down" from above. That hammer is in the form of a financial crisis, security crisis, environmental crisis or even a social crisis--unless things are changed.

The bridge of the song is a statement that the public is tired of being pushed to the background and holding their tongues. The participants in this social revolution are not afraid to let their voice be heard because they are the ones that are fighting for the freedom of America. They are strong and proud and ready to stand up for what they believe.

 This Woman is Bernie Strong!
a weekly commentary by female Bernie supporters
This week we have a heartfelt letter sent to our favorite presidential candidate:

Dear Bernie Sanders,

How can I encapsulate with mere words the incredible surge of  esprit de corps you have rekindled in my fellow Americans and me? Your courage, strength and constancy continue to elucidate those ideals which so many of us want to preserve and cultivate for future generations. Your campaign shines brightly through the quagmire of our country’s status quo and illuminates the prospect of an improved America, which would restore, among other things, dignity to those who are disenfranchised. 

Your long term commitment as a public servant stands as a testament to the true activist that you are. Your optimism continues to awaken and excite those who feel downtrodden, offering a chance for real change and a promise of equitable prosperity. You value people of all colors and creeds. Your integrity is exceptional. What more could we ask from a presidential candidate?

I have heard you speak of political revolution in regards to your grassroots efforts and the changes we as American citizens will create when we work together. Your campaign contribution totals alone are revolutionary, proving the effectiveness of what a group of like-minded people can accomplish. I believe you have had several other revolutions as well: the astounding legions of people in attendance at your venues, the continual positivity of your campaign in spite of the “spin” the other candidates use to thwart your progress, the revival of the true American spirit and “can do” attitude which we all carry within us. Bernie, you demonstrate for all of us what a modern day revolutionary is.

That being said, I believe your candidacy alone has done more than ignite a revolution. Revolutions can only usher a cause so far. What I see has a much farther reach than a revolution.  No longer will the American people accept the elitist status quo. No longer will the American people feel disheartened and unrepresented. Bernie, you have become that pivotal point from which our quantum leap forward begins. You, Mr. Sanders, have championed an evolution.  Our forward momentum cannot be stopped. So, let’s remove the “r” from revolution, take that giant leap together and forge the bonds of the Great American Evolution.

I would like to express my gratitude for the sacrifices that you, your wife, and your children make each and every day for us. Your ever-growing American team, whether they work with you directly or indirectly, deserves my thanks as well.  I am also grateful for my fellow Americans’ incredible displays of support for you and your campaign. May our mutual dream for a renewed America come to fruition. I firmly believe with you at the helm, we have the best chance of making that dream a reality.

While the term hero connotes a multitude of images which may differ from person to person, when we apply that term to you, Bernie, we all stand in agreement. You are our hero! We want you as our president!

With my sincerest gratitude, your fervent supporter,

Anne H. E. DeVore

Bio: Anne says, "Originally from the Chicago area, I've lived in Paris, France and now living the rural life in a small town in Pennsylvania. Graduated from Dominican University (formerly Rosary College) with a BA in psychology and sociology. When I'm not  using my one person makes a difference approach to fan the flames of change to support Bernie, I work with special needs children."

Editor's Note
I've been working on persuading non-progressive voters to consider Bernie Sanders as a presidential choice on a "neutral" political web site. If you can, please visit my blog postings there and hit the "like" check mark at the bottom left side of the blog and/or leave a comment. Feel free to share the blog links (below) with others, too. I realize it might even be easier to get some friends to read a pro-Bernie piece at a web site without his name in the title.

The more hits I get on my writing at Political Storm, the more they'll ask me to write another flattering Bernie piece and so on. It's all part of my plan to help bring about the political revolution one voter at a time. Thank you.

My second post (so far): A Consistent Digital Footprint

To end this week's blog on a high note, here's a "tweet" you can share with others.

Now, get on out there and phonebank, canvass and spread the news about Bernie Sanders to other voters. Remember it's #NotMeUs. The New York primary is coming soon--help Bernie win it!

Baby Boomers+ for Bernie

B is for Bernie...and Believers...and #BirdieSanders...and Baby Boomers.
Yes, Boomers. In spite of what the mainstream media says, we exist in numbers in the Bernie camp, 50+ year old male and female voters. We're loud and proud and we're ready for Bernie.  We'll be voting  in Wisconsin in numbers alongside the Millennials, because we heard a little birdie tell us that we--and our kids and grandkids--have a future to believe in when we put Bernie Sanders in the White House. Our mighty Baby Boomer numbers will make it a landslide, too.  You may have forgotten, but we stopped a war. Watch us as we help stop the oligarchs and take back our country. We've been around the block a few times, so we know what it takes and who is worth fighting for--Bernie Sanders, of course. Power to the people!

(Check out and join some of our Facebook pages: Boomers for Bernie 2016, Baby Boomers 4 Bernie, Seniors for Bernie, Grandparents for Bernie, Retirees for Bernie)

A Baby Boomer Speaks Out for Bernie

by Bill MacKilligan

I  am a retired pharmacist. I graduated from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in 1971. I was part of the Vietnam protest. The protest was attended by so many students at MCP that the college allowed finals to be optional and actually shut down the second oldest and second largest college of pharmacy in the United States. It was such a conservative college that male students were required to wear shirts and ties to class, women had to wear skirts or dresses and everyone changed classes when the bell rang.

I feel the Baby Boomer generation, which included most of the Vietnam protesters and myself, seemed to be the last generation to really protest a very important issue. We felt we could change the world and stop an unjust war. We were right. We could and did. And, in the process, unseated a U.S. President.

Bernie Sanders' campaign has the quality and hope that the baby boomers had in the 1970's.  I feel that he could, if not change the world, at least change this country to include more people in the success of America.  This could be the last opportunity for the Baby Boomer generation to rise up and change this country for the better. Bernie's campaign harkens back to feelings of hope for real change. You feel that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, and by doing so, we can grow a better, stronger country. Get on the Bernie bandwagon and support his platform. I truly feel this guy is for real. 

If you do nothing else, understand the way Bernie sees things and communicate those visions to others. We stopped a war -- we can elect Bernie 


Bernie Sanders Palm Sunday 

March 20, 2016

a poem by Barb McMillen
Our voices rose chanting his name. It is he
we came to hear. We lined his path both outside
and in. Our hands reaching to touch him.
He raised both arms and stood an old arch
angel, voice cracking with the ministry of Truth:
the time he said, the time he said, is Now. 
Ask, he said, feel, he said, injustice and ignorance--
Rise. Children, too, with tiny smiles not knowing
why but knowing this: the moment 
We opened our eyes. And then he spoke
of the earth as though it were a living thing
embraced, life not wealth. His arms
swung forward hands dancing about the air like
fronds, his palms measuring a clattering
symphony of love. The time has come he said
for us to ask. The poor, the lost, the sick,
And We, again, chanted his name
-- not him, but Us. Not me, but We.
 Bio: Barb is a co-founder of The Bernie Blog and a delegate from Ohio to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Inside Job: A movie review

  by Richard Moore

I just watched the video Inside Job. Everyone should watch it. It gives insight to where we are as a nation financially how we got there and why we need Wall Street reform. It shows how the Clinton’s and my beloved president have been part of the problem and not the solution. Please watch this story of our financial collapse narrated by Matt Damon. (The entire film is available on Vimeo.)

Our Reviewer: "Richard Moore here. Seventy nine year old  and part of the 99%. Hillary is going to attack Bernie more and more as are the one percenters. Keep on keeping on Bernie. Do as you are doing. You are getting more press every day finally."


This Woman is Bernie Strong!

a weekly commentary from one of Bernie's female supporters 

What Sanders Has Taught the Democratic Party  
by Shawna Paul
Bernie Sanders, an independent democratic socialist, has helped the Democratic Party more than any other candidate in recent years and all before he won a single delegate. Regardless of who gets the nomination, the Democratic Party will forever be stronger because of the candidacy of Bernie Sanders.
How many times have we heard political pundits proclaim that President Reagan could not get elected today because his politics would not be considered conservative enough for the modern Republican Party? Why is this you ask? It is in part because the Democratic Party has lost its way over the last few decades. Unable to coalesce and fight for a true liberal agenda, it has allowed the Republican Party to pull the center of the country to the right.
Now when I say Democratic Party I'm not talking about the rank and file, I'm talking the leaders, the machine, the message. Think Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
 Instead of furthering a platform that includes such Democratic ideals as economic equality, social and criminal justice reform, and fixing a corrupt campaign finance system, the party's sole focus in recent years became reducing Republican damage. The party of FDR and JFK turned its back on being a party of bold sweeping ideas and has been complacent and satisfied for far too long with running on preserving Social Security and keeping a Republican appointee off the Supreme Court. That is until now.
Bernie Sanders is doing now what so many Democrats before him failed to do; he is dragging the Democratic Party (kicking and screaming) to the left. We have already seen the fruits of his labor, as Clinton has quickly dropped her status quo agenda and adopted some of his progressive rhetoric.
While it would be impossible to list all Bernie Lessons, here are four specific takeaways that would be helpful for the Democratic Party to remember, wash and repeat.
  1. Have a vision. It should be big.
  2. The vision must be authentic-- from the heart, not polls or lobbyists.
  3. The vision should be fair. It cannot keep the guy from the other party out of office.
  4. Vigorously defend your vision. There is a reason Republicans call Democrats "flip-floppers."

Bio: Shawna Paul says this about herself: "I am a freelance writer/filmmaker from Portland, Maine, an avid Bernie Sanders supporter who is ready for the revolution!  I also have a Wordpress blog with a Bernie Theme."

Here's a song suggestion from Kelly, something to hum along with while you're phonebanking and canvassing for Bernie this week. #FeeltheBern and sing like #BirdieSanders!

We Are The People...

#BirdieSanders became the trending hashtag online within minutes of this adorable moment at the Portland rally on Good Friday. A small yellow finch landed on Bernie's podium after he gestured at it on the platform. They enjoyed a moment of happy contemplation and then off Bernie's new birdie friend flew. "There's some symbolism here," Bernie said. "That little bird is really a dove, and he's asking for world peace. No more wars!" The crowd roared its approval.

The humble finch holds a lot of positive symbolism. You can read about it here.  The full clip of the encounter (taken from Bernie2016TV) is below. Let's hope our feathered friend is a good omen of happy days ahead for everyone in the Berniverse!

This week we hear from a very diverse group of Berners--men, women, veterans, entertainers--but we all have one thing in common: We want to see Bernie Sanders in the White HouseWe want a future to believe in for all Americans because we are the people, and it's time our government represents us and not just the billionaires!

We Are The People
by Carl Elderton

The tunnel vision of those inside the beltway is their undoing. As far as they are concerned, the Struggle is all about Power: which party will win, who will get the choicest appointments, how do we spin this or that story to our advantage.

The people whose lives and careers orbit DC are blind to the fact that since 2008 5.5 million homes have been lost to Wall Street fraud; the cost of housing is simply beyond the reach of too many people in this nation; poverty levels at 15% are back to where they were in 1965; 14% of people nearing retirement age have no savings, having spent them to survive the Great Recession where the banks were bailed out and we were abandoned. 56% of Americans have less than $1000 in checking or savings. That means no more buffers for any more Wall Street "shenanigans."

When the delusional Supreme Court defines money as speech, they silence 99% of the citizens of this nation.

When politicians tell us we have to be pragmatic, rather than boldly challenge the status quo, they're telling us we're helpless victims of the system--there is no hope.

By now, any one paying any attention knows that when you keep people hungry, homeless, helpless, and hopeless, you've created a breeding ground for extremism.Too many people in this nation are in that place due to the politics-as-usual crowd.

We Bernie supporters are not extreme in our demands, but we are not going to accept one more lesser evil. We are demanding a change from business as usual, politics as usual.

We are the Revolution you fear. We stand against you not with guns but ideas. Ideas we embrace with passion and determination. The Ideas presented and championed by FDR, JFK, even LBJ. We are sick of seeing the Democratic dream of the Great Society being crushed and eroded by neo-liberal Democrats who trample history while reaching for personal gain.

We are people of all the colors of the human race, all ages, the entire gender identity spectrum. We are compassionate human beings and Americans one and all. And we care about each other; we want to raise up one other.

We refuse to be defined by your demographics. We refuse to be played against one another by splinter issues for your personal profit and quest for Power!

Damn us to hell, belittle and demean us, claim gender opposition, do whatever you want, but we will not be fodder for your canons and profit machines one more cycle. We will no longer be herded into the slaughter stalls of corporatism by another Judas goat of any stripe.

Enough is enough!
Bio: Carl Elderton hails from the St. Louis area and feels the Bern.

Here's an excellent testimonial about why he's voting for Bernie Sanders from a veteran, Ed T., a.k.a. Bern Notice.

I just placed my vote for Alan Grayson's  super delegate voting page. On his page, he had a button asking why I back Sanders. Obviously, I couldn't pass the opportunity to send a message. I wrote:
 "I'm a person that was born and raised in Detroit and a veteran. I have seen what has been the result of bad trade deals manifested in the decline of my former home. I have seen the suffering of veterans and foreign nationals first hand when our so called leaders are so quick to vote for wars. I am disgusted with how much money we can spend to bail out corporations while they simultaneously say that we can't afford to address our domestic needs. I'm tired of big money and the powerful having more say and more benefits from the government that I pay taxes to while I get nothing. I back Bernie because for the first time in my lifetime I have a candidate that is not just talking about what's important to me, but has a track record to back it up. Government should be for all of the people, not just for the elites and corporations. I want Citizens United overturned and Glass-Stegall restored, and he is willing to do what he can to make that happen. I want a candidate who is backed and funded by people like me, so that they are truly answerable to people like me. I want a candidate with integrity--not someone who says one thing one moment then changes their rhetoric when it's politically convenient. I'm done settling for half measures. I want reform. That's why I support Bernie Sanders."
Well said, Ed. Veterans such as Hawaii US Representative Tulsi Gabbard and veteran groups such as the VFW have endorsed Bernie as well. Read more about these veterans and their reasons for supporting Bernie at Veterans for Bernie Sanders.

Here is Tulsi's video on why she as a veteran supports Bernie Sanders as her commander-in-chief.

This Woman is Bernie Strong! 
A weekly commentary from Bernie Sanders' female supporters

This week we offer the third and final part of Allison's Dear Mrs. Clinton letter.

Dear Mrs. Clinton:

See, Mrs. Clinton, as much as you wouldn’t like us to talk about it, we can grasp the differences between right and wrong. We can see what you did wrong when you tried to cover up Benghazi and play down the disaster that ensued. We can see the problem with sending (and then lying) about sending emails from a private server. We can see the problem when a senator's voting record doesn't match what they say they stand for.  When a person lies to the government, it’s called a felony. When the government lies to the people, its called politics. Quite frankly Mrs. Clinton, we’re sick of your sort of politics. 

Simply putting a vagina into the office isn’t going to solve the world’s problems. It isn’t going to make women equal. In fact, having you, Mrs. Clinton, in office would probably damage the prospect for any female president for several years afterwards.

I agree that we need to put a female president in office. I agree that this should happen, but it needs to happen when it is meant to happen. Pushing Hillary Clinton into office will not promote a feminist agenda. In fact, it would presumably result in the opposite.

You’ll never read this. That’s fine. That’s not the purpose. What sort of clarity could you obtain from reading a 19-year old girl’s blog post? Hopefully none. But what I want to make clear is this: We have brains and we are capable of using them. Quite frankly, I think the sh*t spewing from Ms. Albright's and Ms. Steinem’s mouths astounds the vast majority of young feminists. So, do as you will in your trajectory to the presidency. I’m not worried because I intend to use my brain.

Sincerely yours,
 Bio: Allison Place says this about herself:
    "I am 19 years old; I am a Media Studies major at UC Berkeley; I have worked in social media brand management. I am from Redding (the most conservative county in California). My support for Bernie and my interest in politics took off once I came to UC Berkeley for school. Ever since Bernie started running, I have been considering a minor or double major in political science. I usually write comedy articles for my blog, but since getting more involved in politics I do a mix of both comedy and political pieces now." 
 You can find Allison's complete Dear Mrs. Clinton post at her blog:

Yet another talented Bernie supporter sings us a pep song that tells us what we need do--Vote Bernie, of course! (Please feel free to share the video below.)

And for you NE Indiana Berners: A new campaign office will have its open house on Monday, March 28 at 6:30 pm in Fort Wayne. Check it out at 1137 N. Wells St., Fort Wayne IN 46808, in the old Jack and Johnny's pub. It's time to get out the vote for Bernie in the Indiana primary on May 3. Feel the Bern!